1nfluence Driver Training logoLearn, improve or return to driving with us.
We offer specialist support if you have high anxiety, specific needs, or if you just find learning to drive especially challenging.

Map of UK showing Kent
Covering Kent, Medway and
most of Surrey & Sussex

Rob has been learning to drive for a while now: you can’t knock the effort he puts in and its been fab to notice how much he’s learnt about himself and his attitude to life (and learning) during this time. He started revising for the theory test a long while ago using our Theory Test Pro site and the Driving Success DVD. To begin with he struggled to achieve 20/50 on the multiple choice question element, but never gave up. He set himself mini success goals and was thrilled when he first achieved a score of 30.  He kept going: that’s Rob!!  Finally, yesterday he managed to pass the test in Tunbridge Wells…… I think he deserves to PARTY!!
