Working with anxious folk today. I’m so please they think I can help them….. This morning I was supporting a full licence holder, who currently restricts her driving to local, well known routes. We found strategies that helped her overcome a few limiting beliefs this morning and managed to venture further from home than she had driven before. Loved the smile and all the tears of relief!! Then a familiarisation lesson in the automatic car with a young dyspraxic and ADD girl who has been referred by another local driving instructor. Appropriate speed and positioning had been massive issues in the past, but we worked on these issues today with positive results. Finally a second lesson with another girl that wants to overcome feelings of high anxiety. We drove much further this evening on a mix of different roads and she managed to do some accurate reversing, something that she had felt was beyond her. What a lucky lady I am……. all those smiles!!

To find out more about learning to drive, improving your driving skills or returning to driving, get in touch today.