After 60 years experience of driving, I know I’d never have passed this appraisal and got my licence back without Lin’s help!

I had to give my licence up 7 years ago after having both legs and 3 fingers on my right hand amputated due to ill health. After getting used to the new me, I had to learn to drive again with a steering ball and a brake/ accelerator lever with an indicator switch.

I took an appraisal a year or so back, without any professional help and, sad to say, I failed abysmally! But this time aound I found someone to help me. Lin was very experienced in working with people like me and she spoke to the Examiner on my behalf prior to the test. She suggested I had a metal plate fitted infront of the pedals, for safety, as she even noticed that my prosthetic twitched. I learnt something new each time we went out driving.

After my successful appraisal, I’ve just received my full licence back. My wife and I are fully mobile again now, planning some driving to family and friends all over the country that we haven’t seen in a while.

Thanks Lin, I now fully understand that I needed to improve and you’ve made me a much safer driver.

To find out more about learning to drive, improving your driving skills or returning to driving, get in touch today.